5 tips to nail your indoor plant watering

Want to know the most common cause of plant death we see? (If you follow us on Instagram you can probably guess...)

That's right - overwatering!

'But Plant Daddy, shouldn't watering my indoor plants be easy? My human/fur babies love lots of food and water, why don't my plants?'

While it might seem simple, there are several variables you need to consider when figuring out when/where/how much to water your plants. Sound complicated? Don't worry, we've broken it down into 5 simple steps:

  1. Is tap water ok?

    Yes, it’s ok, filtered water or even rain water is best. Make sure your water is room temperature as too cold or too hot can cause damage to the leaves

  2. When should I water my plants?

    Mornings are the best time to water your plants. The warm weather during the day gives the leaves a chance to dry out, reducing the risk of any damage or illness occurring.

  3. How do I know when my plant needs water?

    This where it gets tricky… or not. We like to use our trusty pointer finger to check if the soil is dry before we water. If you feel dampness, we recommend you leave the plant another few days and check again before watering.

  4. How do I water my plants?

    Start by watering from the outside edge of the pot and work your way in to the centre. This way the potting mix gets an even watering which encourages your plant to spread its roots out and grow big and strong.

    Another way to water more delicate and picky plants is to use a saucer. Fill the saucer or a container with water then place your plant (with drainage holes!) in the water and allow it to absorb through the bottom. Leave it for around 10-15 minutes or until the water is noticeably lower and the potting mix has absorbed enough water.

  5. Over watering! Don’t do it… ok?

    Ok so this isn't exactly a question but we can't emphasise this enough. Overwatering. Kills.

    A few signs of over watering are yellowing leaves and little new growth, smelly odours coming from the pots and even fungus gnats. If you're worried that you've overwatered, just make sure you let the plant dry out before watering again. If that doesn't help, you may need to repot your plant with some fresh potting mix.

Different plants have different care requirements. Some prefer to be left alone for long periods of time while others need constant support and attention. It's important that you know the care needs of your new plant before you bring it home, otherwise you risk the stress and sadness of a dying plant baby (if that sounded dramatic that's because it is ok??).

We recommend that you start with some hardy indoor varieties then graduate to more difficult plants as your knowledge and skill level increases!

If you're not sure what plant is right for you, don't hesitate to get in touch. You can also filter by 'difficulty' when shopping for indoor plants through our online store.

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